Hardware Fittings & Accessories

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+971 50 4317530


P O Box : 27102, Dubai, UAE

Hardware Fittings & Accessories

An experienced and reliable manufacturer of Hardware Fittings and Accessories for Pole Line, Distribution Line, Overhead Transmission Line and OPGW Cable. These fittings and Accessories are made of Aluminium, Copper, Steel, Plastic/Rubber etc. It is basically use as the connection among the Pole/Tower, Conductor, OPGW/Earth Wire, Insulators as well Railway OH Electrification.

Products are manufacturing and Type Tested as per International Standards like IEC, IS, ASTM, BS, DIN, NFC etc. Design and R&D are made in 2D and 3D using Auto CAD.

The one-stop solution for all your needs of Power Transmission & Distribution line fittings and hardware from LV Line to 765kV Lines. Backed by a team of experts and professionals from the field, with a proven track record for complete solution of
Aerial Bunched Cable (ABC) Accessories (LV & HV)
Pole Line & Distribution Line Accessories
Transmission Line Accessories (upto 765kV)
Conductor & Insulator Fitting Accessories
OPGW and Helical (Performed) Fittings
Sub-station Clamps & Connectors
Galvanized Fabricated Steel Structures
Cable Lugs, Clamps & Connectors
Earthing and Lightning Protection Materials
Railway OH Electrification, etc.

"The one-stop solution for all your needs of Power Transmission & Distribution line fittings and hardware from LV Line to 765kV Lines."

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